
Dr. Harshvardhan Atreya

about us

Dr. Harshvardhan Atreya is a Medical and Haemato Oncologist, based in Lucknow with 15+ years of experience

Expertise in all types of solid tumor chemotherapies, intensive protocols, immunotherapies, hormonal therapies in addition to dealing with Oncological emergencies, including medical care of the patients. Actively involved in hematopoietic stem cell transplant program and treated multiple myeloma, lymphoma and leukemias. test

Trained and educated at the best medical institutes of India – All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), and Cancer institute, Adyar, Chennai.

MD, DM Director Medical and Haemato Oncology,
Cancer Institute Medanta Hospital,Lucknow

Video Highlights

Cancer treatment  services  services  services

Breast cancer

Breast Cancer is a common cancer that begins in the breast cells, and it’s one of the most prevalent cancers affecting women globally
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Brain tumor

A brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in the brain or its surrounding tissues. These tumors can be either benign or malignant .
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Lung cancer

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs, primarily in the cells lining the air passages..
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Bone cancer

Bone cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the cells of the bones. It can either be primary,
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Kidney cancer

Kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, is a type of cancer that originates in the kidneys,
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Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer, which is also called gastric cancer, is a growth of cells that starts in the stomach.
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Blessed with New Hope

Dr. Harshvardhan Atreya is a highly respected Medical and Hemato-Oncologist with over 15 years of dedicated experience, specializing in treating complex cancer cases. Based in Lucknow, he has earned a reputation for his exceptional patient care and commitment to advancing cancer treatment. Dr. Atreya’s journey as an oncologist has been driven by his profound dedication to providing hope and healing to those battling cancer. His years of experience have enabled him to refine his expertise across various areas, from chemotherapy and targeted therapies to advanced hematology.

Health & Happiness Delivered Health & Happiness Delivered

How can you Help? Help? Help?


Your donation will go a long way in helping the ICS to carry out its activities for awareness, detection, treatment, rehabilitation and welfare of the cancer survivors.


We are happy to extend volunteering opportunities! All driven candidates across the world can apply their skills in a helping Indian Cancer Society work stronger, faster and better.


ICS cannot work for the cause of cancer without the support of partners and sponsors; therefore we need your help to create a greater impact and to reach people across the country.

Our Strategy for Success

As a bitter fact increase of cancer Medical oncologists are the key member of the multidisciplinary cancer care team and provide a comprehensive approach towards treatment and care for cancer patients. Their objective is to provide the safe and cost effective cancer medications while preserving the quality of life of cancer patients. The medical oncologist are essential and contributes in the most effective manner to integrate information at all levels.

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